+6281805171211 info@getflovely.com

Request Quick Link

14 + 10 =

How does it works?

  • Fill up the information above
  • Our admin will contact you through Flovely Whatsapp Business as soon as we receive the form
  • Our Admin will confirm the time and venue of the event
  • Quick Link will be ready to use in 1 – 2 hours time


Quick Link is a modern and efficient way for receiving flower gifts from your guests. From Bouquets to Flower boards can be included in the exclusively made shop page only for your event!


  1. You will get up to 10% of each gift you received
  2. Documentation on every gifts purchased
  3.  Complete your CSR with your earnings!
  4.  No Fee or other payment required for requesting a Quick Link
  5.  If you are an Entity, Company Logo and Name can be attached on the Shop Page

Benefit Pricing :

  • Bouquets & Vase = 15 %
  • Standing Flower =10 %
  • Flower Board = 7 %